Thursday, November 22

Nine days in and completely in love...

So we've survived our first week with a newborn. 
It seems like everyday gets a bit easier, which is encouraging because it's been pretty hard. 
But the love I feel for this tiny little being is all-consuming, and beyond any other love I have ever felt before - There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. 
It amazes me how instantly attached parents become to their babies. I guess that's nature's way of protecting them.

I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude... that I have a healthy baby boy, that breastfeeding is going remarkably smoothly, that I have the world's best husband and an incredibly supportive family.
Life is very good indeed!

Have a wonderful weekend, and a very happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and family.


  1. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing these special moments with us. You're doing great!

  2. you guys look beautiful!! i'm so happy you survived, it is a crazy time right?! I can't believe wesley will be 7 weeks tomorrow, that is so crazy to me. i loved him from the beginning but it just keeps getting more and more real :)

  3. Congratulations! What a beautiful mother and baby boy! What a wonderful new chapter in your life!

  4. such beautiful photographs, please thank whoever took they please. A wonderful time of year to cocoon with you little boy.


Any thoughts? I so love to hear from you!