Tuesday, June 15

Blog Love and the first ever LadyGrey Giveaway!!

A few weeks ago I won a little contest over at one of my favourite blogs, Soul Aperture, and yesterday I received my gorgeous little gift in the post.

Christina had the sweet idea of sending a few lucky winners a surprise parcel in the mail... because receiving something physical in the mail, something packaged with love,  brings people such joy. And it worked! Her beautiful little parcel completely made my day.

And now I want to spread the love...
So if you want to receive a little surprise gift in the mail from moi (you're going to love it!)... enter my little contest below and I'll pick a random winner on Friday!

Here's how to enter:
Leave a comment below telling me what your current favourite colour is.
Extra entries if you become a follower of this here blog (or if you already are), or if you add Hey Lady Grey to your blog roll (just let me know if you did).
ps: your odds of winning are really good, since this is still a very wee blog after all!


Anonymous said...

The number one post never wins. But regardless, I will tell you that my current favorite color is turquoise/aqua colors. Lately, blues have been taking over my life! And I love a stormy blue that reminds me of the sea...

Lady Grey said...

You have no less of a chance, Brianna, I promise ; )
Mmmmm yes, aqua is a great colour for summer!

a whole lotta love said...

Ooh. How fun. Well, I'm already following you and you're already on my blog roll so I have that covered :) My favorite color right now is red. Can you tell from my blog?? I just planted red roses, red ivy geraniums, red petunias, red impatiens, red verbena... Thanks love!

Anonymous said...

I love a contest! And I am currently in love with orange. :) Summery...bright...cheerful. What can I say? It was an especially long winter in PA. GAH!

Off to read some more of your posts. Happy day to you!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Great idea- my fav color is and alway has been Yellow- such a happy color. I already follow- don't have a blog roll but I should make one...
Have a great day!

Valley Girl said...

Hi Vanessa, Just found you hmmmm can't remember where but I did! :-}
Cute blog!
My favorite color (no groaning now) is pink....always and forever!
I will become a follower and see if I can add you to my roll...new at this stuff!
Looks like a fun giveaway


Ashley said...

I love the color blue!

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

I'm a new follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Alex - Make, Do & Send said...

Nothing makes me happier than receiving mail that isnt a bill or a pizza leaflet :D

It probably seems like a boring choice by I'd have to say that grey is my favourite colour right now although its always changing. I think grey always looks chic.

As im already a follow I hope this counts for 2 entries ;)

Crystal said...

Pink! You're in my Google Reader. :)

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

I love snail mail!! :) xo

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

I'm a follower - AND you're on my blogroll :) xo

Stephen said...

You're one of my favourite daily reads! Love your blog :)

Deepali Kalia Interior Design Blog Filling Spaces said...


Deepali Kalia Interior Design Blog Filling Spaces said...

I am your follower,you are on my blogroll,send me your button html i will add it too:)

Kristin said...

I'm brand new to your blog....love it so far. Although it is NOT really a spring or summer color, I've always loved the color burgundy. If red is more appropriate for summer, which I sincerely believe is on its way, red is great too. (O:

stylenuggets said...

I love most shades of blue. Perhaps it's 'coz I'm a Piscean. This is first time I'm entering a giveaway. Have added myself as a follower.

TZel said...

Robin egg's blue. Beautiful...

Beach House Living said...

Hmm Navy blue

Patinaware said...


2nd fave color would be periwinkle.

I've been a follower & yr on my blogroll.


TriniMahn said...


I've got you in my Google Reader feed.


wishful nals said...

so fun! my favorite current color is yellow. bring on the summer!

Unknown said...

Acid green.

You're on my google reader subsciption list. Love your blog!


Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Currently I'm loving blue. If I can splash it in an outfit, home decor or even a photo, I'm doing it. Blues...

muchlove said...

this sounds like fun!
I'm going to sound really girly, but my favourite colour is soft pink :)

christina said...

i am so glad you enjoyed getting your package. isn't mail the most lovely?

i am loving more colors these days. especially the blues. : )

kate said...

couple of things...

1. i love this idea
2. i love mail
3. i love your blog
4. and i love the color salmon (yes, it's a color!)

happy friday, blog friends!

Ashleigh said...

Love this!!
I'm all over yellow suddenly - can't get enough!

Already a follower :)

Aspiring Kennedy said...

My favorite color right now is yellow!!! I can't get enough of it. It's summery, it's happy... and it's one of my favorite color's at Aspiring Kennedy.

I love this giveaway... and I love Hey, Lady Grey!!!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

Oh... and of course- I follow you. You are on my daily reads!!

Nancy said...

How adorable! My current favorite color is green. I follow Hey, Lady Grey, and if I had a foodie blogroll I would add you to it! :) Maybe that should be one of my projects this weekend...

Katja Maki said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog the other day and it is great! I am a follower! What a wonderful thought and thing for you to do! My favourite colour is green, any shade or hue of it!!

Jen said...

What a fun contest sweetie!! My favorite color? PURPLE!! I've always loved it and I'm pretty sure I always will ;-)

Can't wait to hear who the winner is!!

Bekah Mae said...

Right now I am a huge fan of a bright, retro red. I have been using the "Tazmanian Devil" color through OPI for my nails and it just feels so cheery and...well, retro! It's the only word I can use to describe it. I'd love to do a little giveaway like this on my blog!

Lady Grey said...

You should Bekah.... spread the love!
That's what it's all about!