Sunday, June 20

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Papa!
Thank you for being such an incredible role model all these years.

Thank you for teaching me to work hard in life, to be fiercely independent, and to not have to rely on a man to get things done!
(Although I now have a wonderful, reliable man in my life, if I didn't... I would have been fine, thanks to you!)

Thank you for teaching me how to fix things, how to drive, and how to change a tire (that has definitely come in handy!)

Thank you for teaching me how to study and for supporting my education 
(I wouldn't have gotten through university without your little memory tricks!)

Thank you for teaching me how to have fun, for coaching my soccer teams, and for always encouraging me to play sports...
I am a much tougher person today because of that!
(Isn't it amazing that I still turned out to be such a girly-girl!)

Thank you for your constant faith in me, for your unconditional love and support.
Je t'aime, Papa. 
You truly are (like your old hippie t-shirt says above) "un papa merveilleux"!


Anonymous said...

Those are awesome pictures. Ps. Your dad was cute! lol

Lady Grey said...

ha ha! I know... he was, wasn't he?!

and flowers pick themselves said...

this is so sweet. as someone who uses "papa" instead of "dad", it really touches my heart.


xo Alison

Dirty Hair Halo said...

like his hippie days picture. those are my favorite type of parent pics.

a whole lotta love said...

is that little baby you?? so cute :)

Lady Grey said...

indeed it is : )

S and O said...

Happy father's day!
Great pictures ;)


orange sugar home said...

I so love this post!! what a wonderful tribute to your father. what a handsome man, what a good man. thanks for sharing so many great memories.