Friday, June 18

Happy Weekend! Here are the Contest Winners and Some Links

I'm so happy right now... I have the entire weekend off, the weather is perfect, I have a nice glass of red wine in front of me, and we're going out on the town tonight.... which has me in the perfect mood for picking the lucky winner to the surprise 'Parcel in the Post' contest!

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who participated, and for all your super sweet comments! I feel so lucky to have 'met' such wonderful people from all over the world. You all inspire me every day to keep this blog going, even when I have no time and think I can't do it anymore. 

So with that.... drumroll...... the winners (I had to pick two!) are......

Congratulations Shannon and Kate!
Send me your addresses ( and I'll send you your prize!

And to everyone else, I'll do another giveaway soon : ) I hope you all have wonderful weekends!
Here are some links....

And finally I leave you with a great new video from The Pains of Being Pure at Heart:


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

What a great sky line- Sigh- I miss home (not so much in the winter though).
One of my monkeys is flying out to Toronto on Wed to visit my parents- they are in High Park- same house I was born in-

kate said...

Oh!! I never win anything! I am so so so excited! What a great way to start the weekend! I will email you shortly (-:

Patinaware said...

Congratulations Ladies!

Beach House Living said...

Congratulations fellow bloggers!

Anonymous said...

I see my name!! It's just not in your hand. BOO!!! Maybe next time!

Ashleigh said...

Great links!
The BBQ bash is adorable, I love the punch bowl full of carafes.
And this is some extreme knitting for sure!!