Saturday, June 19

The Tomato - Sometimes the simplest salads are the most satisfying


Patinaware said...

mmm...looks like my favorite pizza w/out the crust!

Anonymous said...

Ok yeah, that looks delightful, except that I don't like tomatoes. I mean, they LOOK delectable, but I don't think I'd actually eat it! But for tomato lovers everywhere, that looks like a dream!

Beach House Living said...

I can almost taste this via the computer screen!

orange sugar home said...

oh you are such a professional!! love these photos. they look so good. I love simple salads like this. was hoping to get the rebel for my trip but couldn't do it!! gotta save up. have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

So nice!! Simple is best dish!

Blogs said...

That looks so delish compared to the nasty tomatoes we got at sams this weekend.....;)

Anonymous said...

oooh.. it looks delicious!