Tuesday, June 1

Weekend moments

This weekend was jam packed with family events, road trips and good food.... so much food. Here are a few captured moments...

This is my little cousin's Tibetan singing bowl. It makes the most amazing sound when struck, which vibrates right through you.

There were peonies blooming and tall grasses to brush my fingers over

I marvelled at the colour in these spring onions

My brother turned 30, so we drove to Ottawa for a surprise birthday barbecue bash
I got to spend time with my lovely little cousins : )

We created a delicious salad by frying up shrimp with tons of garlic, pepper, lime juice and olive oil.... oh, it was sooooo good!

Sunday was our first year anniversary, so we spoiled ourselves with a fancy dinner at Montreal's top-rated restaurant, La Chronique. It was out of this world! How cute is that mini scoop for the salt?!
My stomach still feels full from the ridiculous amounts of food I ate.... so this week coming will be full of fresh fruit & veggies and a lot of yoga : )


Anonymous said...

You went to Montreal for your anniversary? Did you see the smoke from the fires?!
It looks like you had a fun-filled weekend!

Lady Grey said...

Brianna, the smoke was crazy!
The burning smell woke me up at night and I thought my apartment building was on fire! The city has been filled with this smoky mist, which actually makes everything look kind of mystical (to put a positive spin on a bad thing).

Blogs said...

Wow! I wish I had a taste of that weekend:)

orange sugar home said...

what a lovely post! the photos are great!! does your hubby tease you about your blogging? my H does. He says "photo for that blog again? Its always about the blog." what a great weekend you had. I know that stuffed feeling. Not good. yes, fruit, veggies, teas....yoga and walks.

Unknown said...

sounds like the perfect weekend - less the smoke!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Wow looks and sounds like a great weekend. That bowl intrigues me. Is it used for healing? I've heard great things about sound and healing.

Deepali Kalia Interior Design Blog Filling Spaces said...

Lovely pics and a wonderful post!

daily mix LA said...

i LOVE those black and white candles!!


Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Sounds like an incredible weekend! And better than mine - it rained all weekend here - boo! :) xo

Lady Grey said...

Orange Sugar Home:
my hubby is the same way... it's funny, he's become so used to the camera now. At dinnertime he never digs right in anymore, instead he waits silently & patiently until a few pictures are snapped... and when I don't feel inspired he'll look at me suspiciously and say, "what, no pictures? is this not good enough for the blog?!"

the bowl is primarily used as a meditation aid.... the long lasting, penetrating sound is supposed to help carry you deep into a deep meditative state.... but I'm sure it has healing qualities too : )


Aspiring Kennedy said...

that shrimp salad looks amazing! is that all you put in it? i think i might need to try this out...

Lady Grey said...

Aspiring Kennedy:
The shrimp dish was made by cooking raw shrimp on medium heat with about 3 cloves of garlic and a tbs of olive oil. I flipped over after about 2 mins and the squeezed a whole lime on top, then added salt & pepper and some spring onions. That's it.... of course serving it over a plain salad (I put a bit of blue cheese in mine and a sprinkling of tomatoes and basic olive oil vinaigrette).
Seriously it was sooooo good, you definitely should try it : )

christina said...

happy anniversary! what a delicious post!
those peony photos are sheer love~xo