Friday, July 23

Hooray for the Weekend!

Good Morning lovely people, and happy Friday to you!

I have a fun filled weekend up ahead. it's my husband's birthday on Saturday, and I have family memebers in town who are visting from Austria and Ireland. Can't wait to see them!

 Oh and I have to share this...I discovered this nifty little gadget here that turns your regular photos into polaroids... it's a mini polaroid camera icon that you drag your photos into and out pops a polaroid...sound effects and all. You even have to wait a few minutes for the picture to "develop"! It's quite cute!
You can download the free program here.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Here are some fun links....


Blogs said...

Happy Birthday to your babe:) I'm glad it fell on a weekend for you:) Love the Polaroids! Neat-O! Have a fabulous weekend my dear!;)

Anonymous said...

I do love a good weekend... although, being summer and school being out, it feels like the weekend every day!

k said...

i looove poladroid! have you looked at rollip? it has all kinds of fun effects to choose from - and its super easy to use!

and flowers pick themselves said...

that cocktail guide = LOVE.

have a fab weekend!

xo Alison

Make, Do and Send said...

Hooray for the weekend indeed! I am definitely going to try the polaroid tool it looks great so thanks for sharing Vanessa :)

becca said...

Yay Vanessa!
I am so glad you found Poladroid and love it too!
And have you been spending too much time on the computer, waiting for the photos to develop?
I sure HAVEN'T. ha ha ha
It's such a fun thing! I'm glad you're enjoying it too!

Regan said...

Cute photos!! Just found your blog, its adorable!! Following :) xoxo

ALFIE said...

hooray for the weekend, indeed! lovely photos! and amazing song :)

orange sugar home said...

Happy birthday to your hubby!! Love the polaroid tip! How cool.Never seen Mad Men before so I'm really looking forward to it tomorrow night. Hope I can stay up that late!!! Happy weekend to you.

Diana Mieczan said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby and enjoy your weekend...Those are such a cute polaroids...Kisses and have a great day,sweetie:)


a little black cloud in a dress said...

I love that tree hotel. I saw it featured on yahoo the other day.. so fascinating!