Sunday, July 25

Weekend Moments - kicking back

Tired feet at 3:30 am, on St. Laurent street in Montreal

After a crazy night out of bachelorette-ing in the city,
I drove out to the country for some much needed R&R
.. and a snooze in this hammock.

This weekend's treasures included....
wild blueberries and birds nests

the first ripe blackberries of the season

floating on a rainwater pond

water lilies,

a ride on the back of my papa's motorcycle

and watching the sun set over the tall, overgrown cornfields.

I hope you all had great weekends and I wish you a smooth start to your week : )


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

those are such great photos- the legs on the streets photo looks like a great and dirty night-

I love the relaxation photos- like a breath of fresh air.

Glad you had a good weekend- and have a great week.

Christine said...

Lovely! Summer bliss. : )

Anonymous said...

So jealous of your country weekend! I need one of those really badly.

k said...


Not a Paper Cup said... all the feet pictures :)

Why is barefeet so theraputic? lol.

Make, Do and Send said...

I love the shot you took on the bike it came out so well especially when im sure you were traveling at quite a speed - im impressed :D

Fit With Flash said...

beautiful photos. saw your comment from the ill seen, ill said blog. i love yours too. thanks!

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

looks like a sensational weekend!

M.A said...

It looks like the perfect weekend! There is nothing better then a little R&R with Family and Friends.

Anonymous said...

Well hellllo fellow blogger!
Great photos. That no-flash setting on my camera - it's so useful! Thanks a million for the suggestion.


Bakcocó said...

amazing pics*


Blogs said...

wow looks sooooo amazing:) awesome photographs:)

Bekah Mae said...

I was just daydreaming about a hammock. Someday. :) Love the shot on the bike!

Jan Halvarson said...

looks like a great weekend! i'm terrified of motorbikes - and seeing you take a picture - not holding on , no helmet - has me so amazed! looks free-ing, but yikes!

Emily said...

That motorcycle picture rocks!! Looks like you had an amazing weekend.

Jen said...

Don't you just love going to the country to relax! It's almost like that's why they exist :-)

Diana Mieczan said...

So perfect relaxing and lovely:)


Anonymous said...

Wow you managed to take a photo on the motorbike! Pretty photos of the water lilies. I was out until 2:30am on Saturday to celebrate a friend's birthday - I'm glad I don't have to do it too often, the vodka shots that we got at midnight... whose bloody idea was that?! crikey.

Lady Grey said...

Ok so I feel very guilty about the no helmet thing... I'm a serious advocate for helmet use too!
For the record, we were actually going really slow (check the speedometer), it's just a slow shutter speed on the camera : )


and flowers pick themselves said...

i rejuvenated this weekend by spending some time in the country. there's nothing like it.

i adore your photos!

xo Alison

El said...

Great photo on St Laurent. It looks like you got some much needed R&R!

suzanna said...

I love the sound of your weekend! Sounds perfect.