Tuesday, July 6

Weekend Moments: Montreal Jazz Festival

If you ever want to visit Montreal, this is the time to come. We have festivals all summer long, and the city is in a constant state of celebration. The best of all our festivals, of course, is the Jazz Festival. Thousands of people, free live music in the streets, it's incredible! Have you ever been?

And a few other random weekend moments... 
wild flowers & thorns

Cheve and mushroom omelettes

pools & cannonballs

Thick, hot Montreal air. It makes the city feel so dreamy.

Sweet peppermint on the balcony at sunset
I hope you had a marvellous weekend too!


Anonymous said...

I would love to go and I bet my husband would too, he adores jazz!

Charleston said...

wish i was there x


Sara said...

Omgosh! Those fesitval pictures make it look soo fun and festive!! I have never been to Canada, but I am dying to go!! My FH would love the jazz event - he's a huge blues and jazz music lover.

OK and that chive and mushroom omlette looks fabulous!!! Yummmmm!!

a whole lotta love said...

We were at the Jazz fest a few years ago... so much fun! Actually that is where my profile pic is from :)

ALFIE said...

ooo! i love jazz music! the festival looks fabulous. and that pizza. well---my mouth is watering!!

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo jealous!!! I used to go to the Montreal Jazz Festival every year when I was in high school and college. And now I am missing it!! Hopefully next summer I'll make it up there and there will be beautiful weather there again!

and flowers pick themselves said...

i just wrote a poem last night that references jazz. lovely post!

xo Alison

Diana Mieczan said...

I love love love jazz,so this would be perfect for me...darling! What a great photos:) All sounds wonderful:) Have a fun Tuesday and see you soon:)

Elle Sees said...

i've been there before and had a blast!

Rosemary Washington said...

Well, I'll definitely have to add Montreal to my list of dream vacation destinations!

Ashleigh said...

I need to remember this for next year, I'm dying to visit Montreal. It sounds so wonderful and I always love the pictures you post!

Lady Grey said...

Thanks for all the lovely comments! If any of you ever do end up coming to Montreal, be sure to let me know : )

Bekah Mae said...

I have been wanting to visit Montreal...this makes me even more curious!