Thursday, August 12

Cooking Tools Made From Recycled Water Bottles

I feel quite strongly against the regular purchase of bottled water. Both for the unnecessary redundancy of it, and of course for the tremendous amounts of waste produced.
(have you seen those disturbing garbage islands?!)

Well anyway, not to get all preachy on you, but these cool cooking tools by Green Street are made from recycled plastic water bottles, and that makes me happy : )


k said...

these are so great!

Fit With Flash said...

Agreed! Good idea

and flowers pick themselves said...

adding these to my wish list. so cute + responsible!

xo Alison

Anonymous said...

Those are stupid cool! i think I might buy some...

Cat said...

Love this idea! Plus, I love the throw-back vintage detailing :)

Unknown said...

How cool! love these, they're pretty, too! I reuse my water bottles, about one per week! XO!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Great concept-
I am skeptical though that they would last- In my experience plastic cooking utensils, in general, tends to wear faster than say wood and bamboo- Which basically is just putting off the inevitable that it will eventually end up in the garbage patch or landfill.
Plus there is the added worry of the chemicals seeping into your food while you are cooking.
I'm going to stick to my wood and bamboo.

- said...

This is such a great idea! I'm in dire need of new kitchen utensils, thank you for posting :)

Martina said...

They are so handsome, aw, much better then a bottle!

Nicki said...

What a great idea! I definitely agree with you--I just cringe at the thought of a single person consuming 1 (even 2) water bottles daily!

Anonymous said...

I wish more people were environmentally friendly like you... I think these are a great idea... anything to reduce unnecessary waste!

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

such a cool idea! and i'm with you on the water bottle thing. i really really really hate having to buy them if one of us ever forgets to bring a flask.

Bridget said...

SO cool

hobovogue . said...

plus they're adorable! i totally need these hehee... great find :)

<33 v [hobovogue]

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I Love the post.
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