Sunday, August 15

Gone Camping

(photo via)

For the next 3 days, I will be deep in the Algonquin woods. No car, no phone, no internet... just friends and a canoe, and the wild outdoors.
I already can't wait to share the photos that I haven't even taken yet  : )
I hope you have a wonderful start to you week.


Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Oh have fun!

k said...

that sounds ideal. have fun :)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful.

Blogs said...

exciting...i wish i could be somewhere without all those things:) have fun! can't wait to see the adventure!:) xoxo

Regan said...

That photo is gorgous! Makes me want to go camping. Have fun. :)

Fit With Flash said...

sounds like a great weekend to me. have a good time.

stylenuggets said...

Have a great trip. Great way to spend the weekend

Unknown said...

You are a very brave girl! A lot braver than me! Have the most fabulous time!

Beach House Living said...

Brave no internet? I can do without the phone.

Crazy Sweet Life said...

Have a great time hun!

Big Dadddy said...

Sounds amazing, can't wait to see the photos!

Ashleigh said...

Have an amazing relaxing time. Sometimes it's great to take a technology break :) Can't wait to see pictures!

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Enjoy yourself!!! :) xo

Melissa Blake said...

Sounds like an adventure! Have fun! :)

Bekah Mae said...

Happy camping! How incredibly good it is just to unplug for a few days!

Jade Purple Brown said...

have fun :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a wonderful time! No internet and no phone, that is scary! I don't know if I could live without my iPhone - so pathetic, isn't it? Can't wait to hear all about your adventure :-) and to see the pics!

Nancy said...

Have a wonderful and relaxing time!

Zabrinah said...

I love your blog and everything it stands for!!!

I can't wait till you come back and share the awesome photos! Continue having a fabulous time!

Best wishes from one blogger to another,


El said...

Have a great time. The location looks exquisite!

suzanna said...

I am so jealous!

Wusel's... said...

You've got a blog-award!

Unknown said...

What a great photo Vanessa.....Did you post it as was....or are you doing photoshop. This light is my favorite. love, Rosemary Willis Sullivan

hobovogue . said...

ohhh what a beautiful photo! :)

<33 [v] hobovogue