Thursday, August 5

Wakefield Quebec: Life in a small town (part 1)

I feel like I've been transported back in time. For the month of August my husband and I are living and working in a small country town called Wakefield. 
And much to our surprise, we have fallen completely in love with it.
The surrounding landscape is so beautiful... rivers, lakes and rolling hills... it's stunning!

Natural beauty aside, the town itself is so quaint. There are antiques everywhere, and the small boutiques all sell local artisan crafts.... the town even has an old-fashioned steam engine train that still operates daily. The sound of it whistling through the town is very Fried Green Tomatoes!

local quilts & vintage kitchen supplies (I'm in heaven!)

There's this gorgeous bright red covered bridge that tourists come to visit, and local kids like to jump off into the river.

I think I just might want to stay forever!


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Love the bridge photograph- it is so perfect for a movie set!

That tush- oy vey- squeezable for sure.

maggeygrace said...

These are so pretty!! You have quite the eye for photography :)

Sara said...

Looks stunning! Those photos are great and I like your Fried Green Tomatoes reference!! So fitting... Wakefield is a place I'd LOVE to live according to your description! Enjoy it for me :)

the southern hostess said...

Fantastic photos! I love it.

Joyti said...

I've never lived in a small town...only city or suburbs...and that town sure is beautiful! Its amazing that people are so comfortable that the children can bathe au natural...that sense of trust...can't blame you for wanting to stay.

k said...

when we moved to switzerland, i was pretty adamant about living in a city - but we ended up staying in buochs when we got here - which is small town, and i fell in love. i don't think i'll be able to leave!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes indeedy. I've been here. There's also a place (not there, but not far) that has another covered bridge, and you can "water slide" down the rocks. It's like a natural God-made water park. Love the pics. It looks so peaceful!!! So jealous!!

Fit With Flash said...

Where is this town? I always go thru phases of wanting be completely connected, then completely disconnected with city and rural. Love this place!

Michelle from Holley and Gill said...

Ok so now I want to go and visit with my kids and husband too! Beautiful and just what we would need too. Love your blog and was happy to find it!

Lady Grey said...

Thanks for all the sweet comments : ) You gals are the best!

re: Brianna, that's so crazy that you've actually been here before! Definitely going to keep my eyes peeled for that other bridge you mentioned.

re: Fit with Flash: the town is Wakefield, Quebec. It's right near Ottawa.


Nancy said...

Such a lovely place! I am swooning over the views, and those quilts and kitchen-y things... Enjoy!

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

So picturesque! Do you think you'll stay? :) xo

becca said...

Such a beautiful, fun, adorable little town!
I love your pictures!


ALFIE said...

these pictures are amazing! i want to be there-- NOW!

and that peach pie in the previous post looks awesome!

and flowers pick themselves said...

gorgeous! thanks for sharing :)

xo Alison

Gordon Skillen said...

My father was born in Wakefield in 1911, he moved to Sudbury where I was born in 1957. I moved to Vancouver in 1975, and had never visited Wakefield, until 2005 when a family reunion was held. It was amazing to see where my grandfather and my great father were buried in Wakefield. I met some family I had never met before and got to know the wonderful town of Wakefield. I would love to go back and spend a week.