Sunday, August 29

Yikes, I'm heading up North.... Way up North!

Early tomorrow morning I will be boarding a plane, and heading way up north to a Native village called Kuujjuac. My husband & I will be spending a month up there working in the local hospital/clinic. 
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but the hubs & I are both in our last year of residency in Family Medicine. Anyway, this month should be a great experience, but I'm not sure how the blogging will go up there. I've been told there is internet, but that's it's not so reliable.

So I'll do my best to keep this wee little blog up & rolling. I hope you'll excuse any slowdowns ; )
Despite the harsh weather conditions up there, I'm actually really looking forward to this great northern adventure, and I hope you tag along too.....hopefully I'll  be able to catch a few pictures of the Northern Lights to share with you. 
Since I presume most people have never heard of Kuujjuaq before,  here's a map:

So that's where I'll be for the next 30 days. Wish me luck!


Wusel's... said...

I do wish you luck! From the bottom of my heart! And a good time there! And I hope you'll be able to make pictures!

the southern hostess said...

That is amazing! Enjoy the adventure.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of the place before so take lots of photos for us! Sounds great, helping out in the local hospital. Good luck and enjoy!

Joyti said...

It sounds like a great experience...and I hope that you have a great time and learn lots...

k said...

wow that is so cool!!! have fun and enjoy the new adventure :)

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

What? I had no idea. AWESOME!!!!

Bess Callard said...

Holy cow! That really is way up north! Good luck and I wish you a wonderful experience :)
xx bess

Creativechaos said...

Wow! That sounds like a great experiance. I'm really impressed. I can't wait to read about your advetures!


Arpita And Jonathan said...

Good luck!! Not that you'll need it! Canada is wonderful, and so gorgeous!! (Although, I'm a bit biased!) Hehe :)

Melissa Blake said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Vanessa! (I don't have to say this but) Take lots of pictures! and have fun!


Blogs said...

have a delightful trip...sounds like a really great learning experience:) be safe! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Holy north, Batman! That's WAAAAY up there. And good luck on your last year of residency. My best friend just finished hers a year ago and it was a struggle, but I admired her so much!!!! Have fun and tell us all about your great experiences!

Amanda Kemp said...

Have an amazing time Vanessa! I am sorry we missed each other in your rotation in Wakefield!!! Erin has spent a lot of time in the North and the Northern life is something very unique and special .. so really take advantage of all of the teachings elders have to give! They have been on the land for so long, there is so much to learn from them.

I know you will take oodles of pictures!!!

Have fun!!!


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Good luck!

So SO SO SO great- I've heard of experiences like this and my BIL did this for a month when he was in his last year of FM from Western (where my hubs and I both did undergrad).

SO exciting- I sure do hope you keep us updated!

christina said...

sweetheart, you and the hubby be safe and stay warm.
: )xo