Tuesday, December 7

It's a Snow Day - Time to make some soup!

It's been snowing for the last 36 hours in Montreal and it feels as though the city has been cast under a magical spell. It's beautiful actually, and it's the perfect kind of snowy day for staying indoors and making soup!

There's nothing like a warm bowl of homemade soup on a day like today. 
I made spicy red lentil soup and cheddar cheese biscuits... and now that my tummy's nice & full, I think I might crawl into bed for a long winter's nap!

Read on for the recipe....

Spicy Red Lentil Soup

1 1/2 Cups red lentils, rinsed
6 Cups soup stock
3 Bay leaves
4 Garlic cloves, chopped
2 Slices fresh ginger (about the size of a quarter each)

1 Cup grated carrots
1 Cup diced tomatoes
1/2 Cup diced red pepper

1 1/2 Cups chopped onion
2 Tbs olive oil
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, or to taste
2 Tbs fresh lemon juice
salt & black pepper, to taste

Combine lentils and soup stock in a large soup pot, along with garlic, bay leaves and ginger. Cover and place over high heat.
Add the carrots, tomatoes and bell pepper. Bring to a boil, stir and reduce heat to a simmer for approx 15-20 minutes (until lentils are tender). 
Meanwhile saute the onion in olive oil until soft and browned. Add in the cumin, coriander and cayenne. Stir and remove from heat.
Remove the bay leaves and ginger from the soup, then add in the onions and lemon juice. Season with salt & pepper.



Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Yum looks good- how did you make the biscuits?
I made some Cheddar Cheese and bacon ones awhile ago (because I'm a good Jew that way) and I guess I could just substitute broccoli- yours look delish- have fun indoors.

Jude said...

This looks wonderful - and would hit the spot on a day like today for me too! I would happily survive on soup (and cheesy biscuits) alone all winter, if I could :)

Anonymous said...

It is okay if I'm totally jealous?! I love snow, and my parents are getting the same snow you are. And I love your soup... can't wait to try your recipes!!

Diana Mieczan said...

That looks so yummy:) Im in such a need for soup right now..I think Im getting cold...(from Balazs...he is sick too)
Hugs and kisses, darling

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Dont you just love snow days?

Anonymous said...

OMG- you are sooooo fabulous...this is incredibly yummy lookin!
Lets make a button on EL Vintage for your blog. I would love that.
I adore you xxxxxx Emily

Email me: StyleatELVintage@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Oh, this sounds so lovely, especially the long nap part.

k said...

the sounds amazing! if you have time i'd love the recipe for the biscuits!

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Those cheese biscuits! YUM. I love snow days so much. Hoping we'll get another dusting soon :) xo

and flowers pick themselves said...

i know the feeling! it started snowing saturday in northeastern ohio and hasn't stopped since! i'm thinking of having soup for lunch AND dinner!

xo Alison

Diana Mieczan said...

Ps: I am hosting a stunning leather clutch GIVEAWAY today, just in time for Holiday Parties!
Kisses, darling

christina said...

these biscuits look divine!