Tuesday, May 24

Quick Dessert: Frozen Grapes & Chocolate

I saw this idea over at Jamie Oliver, and I was instantly inspired! 
What a fabulous last minute, no fuss dessert idea. 
Just pop some muscat grapes in the freezer for 2 hours and voila, a very elegant dessert!

Serve it with a delicious dessert wine, of course : )
Have you ever tried frozen grapes?

photos via Jamie Oliver


Ryan Hebert said...

I love frozen grapes! Beautiful Photos!!!

LCR said...

i LOVE frozen grapes. It's amazing how different they taste from raw grapes! I was blown away the first time I tried it:)
And adding chocolate to that... Mmm!

Tiffany Kadani said...

The pairing with chocolate is genius!

Monique said...

oooh this is quite yummy and the frosted grapes look so pretty. I've never had frozen grapes but will certainly give it ago. I really like simple desserts like this.

Pinecone Camp said...

Oh, yah. Frozen grapes are so good. Haven't paired them with chocolate though....but I soon will ;)
Merci for the tip!

Anonymous said...

never tried them! but this summer will surely be the time!

Yasmeen said...

nice quick and easy dessert... perfect for a cocktail party! i love frozen grapes as a snack. can't see why i wouldn't love them paired with chocolate.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

My grandmother always had frozen grapes at the ready ~ southern summers screamed for this refreshing treat! Now I'm ready for the grown up version above!

Sonja said...

mmmm! I love frozen fruits!!! This is such an easy elegant idea.

Unknown said...

Well this is interesting. I've never thought or heard of such an idea but it does seem pretty good. Are they good? I would suspect yes if you are posting about them :)

Karena said...

Oh delish, yes, and with chocolate a delight!

Art by Karena

Do Come and enter my Great Giveaway from Serena & Lily! Ends tomorrow the 25th at 12 am EST

You will love it!

Unknown said...

those grapes look so perfectly frosted!
~Andrea @ http://hecallsmewifey.blogspot.com/

k said...

I have never thought of that, that is cool! It seems so fancy but is so easy :)

kathleen said...

i will love trying that~

sweet harvest moon said...

Must try that!


Anonymous said...

I vave never tried frozen grapes. looks great tho. I don't think something like that would have even occured to me... thanks for the tip!