Monday, June 20

Montreal Weekends: Oh to be a tourist in your own city!

This weekend was pure heavenly summer.
We had friends staying with us from out of town, so we filled our weekend with must-see Montreal stuff. It's a lot of fun to be a tourist in your own city!

First stop was Schwartz - a Montreal institution since 1928. Schwartz's is little greasy smoked meat deli that locals and tourists line-up for on a daily basis. I'm not a huge meat eater, but this was a special occasion and it was totally worth it. That stuff is DELICIOUS!

St. Laurent blvd was closed off to traffic for it's annual street sale. There was so much to look at and to taste, we almost wished we hadn't just gone out for lunch!

Sunday of course was father's day, and my brother & I took my dad to an antique car street show.
Old cars are not really my thing, but my dad loved it and that's all that really matters. 

My touristy weekend would not have been complete without a trip to Montreal's beloved Orange Julep. I hadn't been since I was a kid.

As for the rest of the weekend, we spent it on patios & balconies, basking in the glorious summer sun.
Hope you had a relaxing weekend as well.


Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love a good Orange Julep?!

Anonymous said...

great pictures! so colorful.

I'm having a giveaway for a cute
leather bracelet on my blog...head over to enter!

this free bird said...

Talk about a truly relaxing weekend--you took in a piece of every good element :)


Aspiring Kennedy said...

yikes. im so hungry, and the strawberries, fries, & plates of meat just sent me over the edge... ahh! :)

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

Thanks for the small peek into Montreal. I have never been but have heard it's one of the most beautiful cities in Canada

Erin said...

My parents were visiting us in chicago this weekend, so we played tourists too! I love slowing down, hanging out around town, and putting off errands and responsibilities for a few days!

sweet harvest moon said...

Montreal stole my heart! I LOVE that city! Can't wait to go back!

Melissa said...

Oh loved your photos!!! Miss that place on summer days like these - you know the coolish breeze and the blue skies with fluffy white clouds.... Orange Julep My Heart!