Saturday, July 9

Our great northern adventure begins...

So our car is all loaded up and we're moving up north.
We're about halfway up our 18 hour drive right now, and the landscape is really changing... thinning taiga forests, lichen mosses on the ground instead of grass, and almost complete isolation. It's so weird driving on open highway for hours without seeing another car.

So anyway, it might be a few days before we get our internet hooked up. So if I don't post for a while, it's not because I was eaten by a bear.... I'm probably just getting settled in : )

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Sweet Pea (formerly Alice) said...

You are impossibly cool! It's amazing that you are doing this... I can't wait to see photos!

Just a Silhouette

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

What an ADVENTURE! This is awesome. :)

Michelle Brunner said...

Good luck! Have fun settling in:)

k said...

I am so excited to hear more about where you'll be and everything - it's pretty exciting :)

Anonymous said...

Have fun and take pics!

Christine said...

Good luck with this adventure! I'm looking forward to seeing some of the north through your blog : )

Diana Mieczan said...

How exciting...Have a wonderful trip and I cant wait to hear all about your new place. Hugs and kisses, sunshine

Vic said...

oh i love those road trips and i wish i was moving up north....lucky you:) i'm so tired of the south...i see the same stuff everyday, we need new views, so thank u for sharing this and i hope to see more soon...get settled and don't get eaten:) LOL

Vic said...

BTW: i cannot comment ever through google because of some glitch, that's why my photo aint showing up....i can comment on pop up though:)

Natalie said...

goodluck you two, we are thinking of you always and can't wait to see you again and hear about the first part of your adventure! lots of love xoxo

Mark said...

Good luck.

Melanie's Randomness said...

GOOD LUCK with the Move!!!!

Crazy Sweet Life (Brianna) said...

Hey, no bear jokes. Bears are serious business:) Miss you guys already! xox

Melissa Blake said...

Have a safe trip!! :)