Friday, October 23

virtual reality check

Hello there world, it has been a really, really long time.

I can't quite seem to get around to blogging anymore, and I'm not entirely sure why....
Yes I'm busy... as a mother of two, preparing for my return to a career as a family physician. Life is very, very full.
But I've always been busy. I've always managed to (over)fill my time one way or another, regardless of how many babies I have around me. So I don't think that's the real reason.
No. The blogging world has changed a lot over the years. And I'm not sure it's really for me anymore. I wish I had more time to blog, as I truly did (and do) love it. But I can't seem to make it a priority these days. Truth be told, maybe I've just outgrown it.
Or maybe it's the ease and immediacy of sharing on other forms of social media (I'm looking at you, Instagram), that makes blogging seem like so much more effort. It is infinitely faster to share a quick photo than to craft and edit an entire blog post.

But I can't say goodbye-forever just yet. I've been doing this long enough to suspect I might get another wave of blogging enthusiasm in the future, or come across a recipe that is simply too good not to share.
So until then....

Lots of love,
(and ya, I'm still very active on instagram, so please follow along and stay in touch!)


Lauren said...

It would be a shame if you stopped blogging - I love reading what you've been cooking and baking and your site is a favourite source for recipes (the cherry pie and the ginger pie get special mentions!).
I can understand that blogging seems like an effort when instagram is such a quick and easy share though.
Needless to say, even if you never write another post I will continue to visit your recipes page :)

Lady Grey said...

Hey Lauren, thank you for that. Sometimes I think no one's reading anymore, so it's less motivating to write posts.... it certainly helps to hear you say that!
I already have a half-dozen new recipes just waiting to be posted.... so I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually :)

Vanessa C said...

Don't stop! My family will starve :)

Lady Grey said...

haha! Ok I'll try to keep the recipes going at least :)

Em said...

I know what you mean! Instagram requires so much less effort. And sometimes it seems silly to post on the blog weeks after you've already mentioned the topic/great dish/beloved cafe on instagram.

I still try to blog but sometimes I feel like the amount of readers has decreased exponentially and the interaction on instagram is just more (satisfying that is).

So no stress, we'll still follow along on instagram!

Lady Grey said...

Ya, I think that Instagram really did kill the blog-star!
I think all blogs, even the big ones, have taken a major hit. But there's still something to a well-written blog post that can never be replaced by a single photo... so I don't think it's lost completely. And, Emily, I love your blog posts, no matter how far and few between.... so keep 'em coming!

Patricia Venkatesh said...

SADLOVE said...

I'm a mom of two as well, so I feel your pain! My son is a year old now and my daughter 4. It's bittersweet.

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ประภัสสร said...
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ประภัสสร said...
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ประภัสสร said...

Thanks for the info

boonmee said...

Your family is so cute.

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