Monday, June 28

Weekend Moments

It felt like we had two weekends this week because Thursday was a holiday in Quebec. 
We drove out to the country with some friends of ours to soak up some fresh country air.

My sweet friend Anna made this incredible nectarine pie

And I found a four-leaf clover. 
But I decided not to pick it.... it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

I flew to Toronto for my sister-in-law's bridal shower. It was a tea party! 
The room was gorgeous, and we drank from dainty teacups and ate delicious tea sandwiches and mini cupcakes and confections. It was so lovely!

The G-20 was in Toronto this weekend and our plane landed right beside Air Force One. Cool stuff.

Back in Montreal...
I thought the cherry tree looked enchanting after sunset.

And there were flash thunderstorms just off the coast of my balcony. 
I love the rain when it's this dramatic! It's exhilarating!


Sara said...

Great pictures. That pie looks delicious!!!! mm. The bridal shower looks fabulous too!! We have a long weekend coming up, can't wait!

Anonymous said...

nectarine pie sounds amazing.

Sybil said...

ooohhh i love nectarines!! :D

and the tea party looks so fancy and lovely! :D

Animated Confessions

Sarah said...

wow, the pie looks delicious! I love the tea party- so cute! you guys have 'bridal showers' in the US? hmm sounds like something we need here in the UK- good opportunity for a lovely party and presents!
Lovely blog sweetie xxx

Ashleigh said...

Nectarine pie sounds scrumptious!
What a lovely shower, the venue is beautiful!