Tuesday, July 6

Truffle Oil Pasta

This just might be the simplest gourmet meal ever.
And it's oh-so-good too!
Seriously, there is something completely intoxicating about the flavour of truffles.... you must try this.
All you really need is some good quality truffle oil and some parmesan cheese, and you're set.

Truffle Oil Pasta
(serves 4)

500 grams orchetti or other pasta
2-3 tablespoons good quality truffle oil
around 10 mushrooms, sliced
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 cup arugula or mache leaves
1 cup parmesan cheese (grated) + more for garnishing
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper, to taste

Cook the pasta, as usual. 
Stir fry the mushrooms in olive oil. Be sure not to overcrowd them in the frying pan, so that they can brown nicely. Them set aside.
When the pasta is ready, strain out the water and poor the pasta back into the same pot. Add the truffle oil and mushrooms, and mix well. Then the parmesan cheese. You may need to add more olive oil so that it's not too dry (if you don't want that much oil, you can always add a splash of milk instead). 
Finally mix in a handful or two of fresh arugula or mache salad leaves. Season with salt & pepper.
Serve with freshly grated parmesan cheese on top.



iheartkiwi said...

it's amazing how simple, quality ingredients can make the most delicious meals!

truffles make everything tastier.

Anonymous said...

italian dishes are all about ease using basic ingredients but the Italians eat pasta everyday which is something I will never understand! yesterday we had gnocchi with pesto at home,that was delicious and fulfilling too.x

Anonymous said...

Hmm I can just smell the truffel oil! We went out last night and had something similar, it was delicious. Ok the oil is now on my shopping list! (I wrote about avocado oil recently, ever tried that?)

stephanie banks said...

wow that looks delicious! this is a really nice blog! if you have the time please take a look at mine and tell me what you think :)


Diana Mieczan said...

Ohhh yummy....I am so hungry now and its only morning ....It sounds and looks delicious...Truffles are the best! Have a wonderful and yummy day sweetie :)
Btw: I love pasta...I could live on it...hahaha

Lady Grey said...

iheartkiwi: I completely agree! The simplest ingredients are often the best...and it's totally worth splurging on good quality ones : )

Cafe Bellini:
You know, I've never tried avocado oil but it must be exquisite! How did you use it?

bambi & monster: welcome! Your blog is lovely too!

Pinecone Camp said...

I need this now! Simple and delicious. I know what I'm doing for dinner now - merci!

Crazy Sweet Life said...

You had me at truffles! This looks sooooo good!

Loren, Chilean in the UK said...

That looks Yummy.... I am also i big fan of salads and blogging.
My name is Lorena and I am a Chilean living in the UK. I have been entering in the new world of handcraft and knitting not long ago. Something was missing in my life, despite all the joy the children bring, and there came along the KNITTING! I love it.
I really enjoy looking at other people’s ideas and specially photos; there is so much talent all around us... and funny enough many come from MOTHeRS stuck in the house. :D

Teresa said...

Truffle oil sounds SOOO yummy! :D

♥ Teresa ♥
♥ http://the-headmistress.blogspot.com/
♥ http://twitter.com/Old_School_Cool

Aspiring Kennedy said...

truffles are my favorite thing in the world. :) this looks so yummy. maybe a good idea for dinner. :)

Kristen said...

This looks soo good! I live for pasta.. I could eat it anytime, anywhere..

hobovogue . said...

this looks delicious. oh my god truffle oil i could just go on and on... really amazing!
<33 [v] hobovogue

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Oh my goodness this looks absolutely scrumptious! Happy to find your blog via Cafe Bellini, I'm a new follwer! :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmm truffles.