Friday, August 6

"You've got those old eternity blues"

I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend of solitude & contemplation. I need this. 
I have been consumed by uncertainty lately, and big life decisions that I can't seem to decide on...
I shouldn't complain about this (since the opposite is far worse), but sometimes having too many options available to you isn't a good thing.
I keep reminding myself that no matter which way life takes me, good things will follow. I just need to trust that. Big sigh. 
Oh I am so grateful for the weekend again!

Oh and a huge thank you to Regan of A Fairytale of Photos for the Cherry on Top! I will pass it on soon. The blog community is so loving & supportive of each other, it always makes me smile : )
If you don't know her blog, you're in for a treat. The photos she finds & takes herself always make me swoon.
And now, for your weekend, here are some links:
Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

I know this is a little off topic... but in the 2nd picture.... what is that table mat centerpiece thing? I LOVE IT!

Joyti said...

I hope you enjoy your weekend of solitude and relaxation.
Love the pics...

Lady Grey said...

Ha! I know, it's this exquisite beaded table cloth... it's gorgeous!
I have no clue where it's from, it's in this house we're renting out in the country : )

Anonymous said...

I hope you're ok... Do have a relaxing weekend... Love the moustache mugs and the models :-)

- said...

Your blog is just lovely! I am following you :)

Blogs said...


becca said...

Love your links here! Such neat places :)


suzanna said...

Love these links!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Hope you have a good relaxing weekend with lots of meditation!

k said...

i hope your weekend gives you some direction =) moustache mugs are adorable!

the chirpy bird said...

enjoy your beautiful weekend! it's always important to take a step back when things get overwhelming and realize what's real and what's just 'noise'
xo tash

Jade Purple Brown said...

i love 1960's models too!

Regan said...

Ohhh my gosh, those photos are gorgeous!! :)

and flowers pick themselves said...

i am absolutely in love with that song! thank you SO SO much for sharing!

xo Alison

hobovogue . said...

beautiful first photo.

and yes, too many choices = disaster for me. life becomes too chaotic when i have too much to choose from. :(

<33 [v] hobovogue