Thursday, September 30

Artwork for Autumn

Aren't these leaf carvings by Nature's Art absolutely incredible?!
I can't even imagine how long these must take.
Very zen, indeed.

(via Treehugger)


Diana Mieczan said...

OMG...zen, indeed!
What a talent:)

Ps: Hope you had a chance to enter my GIVEAWAY!

Greg Alder said...


k said...

those are so pretty....i can't even believe those - and can't understand how they were done!

mermaid gallery said...

Wow....that takes some care and attention, talent , and a whole lot of patience!

Anonymous said...

These are quite stunning.

Anonymous said...

WOW they are incredible!

Jude said...

Sigh, both breathtaking and serene (how is that possible?) - just stunning!

Blogs said...

incredible is right! awesome:) i love art!

Elizabeth said...

These are truly amazing - I can't imagine having the patience to do that!

Monique said...

Wow, those are really amazing.

Bianca said...

Sometimes I am absolutely amazed by people creativity!

yours included;)


Mimi said...

that is absolutely amazing!

<3, Mimi

El said...

Wow. These are truly impressive!

Joyti said...

Carvings? Those are absolutely exquisite, and must take a lot of patience and care to create. A work of love, so to speak.

heather said...

WOW! People do so many amazing, loving things in this world! Just beautiful!

Between us said...


just love your blog LL

Fit With Flash said...

whoa. very cool! love them. happy weekend!

Ashleigh said...

Oh my goodness these are amazing. (At first glance I thought it was photoshop!) So intricate and beautiful! Creative people just inspire me...What a talent and oh, the patience it must require :) Happy Weekend Friend!!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

These are really cool

Carrie said...

i'm speechless! these are wonderfully amazing! i love it:D

i am now your newest follower.


a whole lotta love said...

i can't believe these!! AMAZING!

She Wore It Well said...

amazing! you've got yourself a new follower xo

Okie said...

wow...that's gotta take some serious patience and vision. Very cool.

Anonymous said...
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