Sometimes it feels as though Friday will never arrive.
This week, it came at just the right time.
I'm off to the country for the weekend... in search of signs of spring!
Oh and don't forget about Earth Hour, this Saturday at 8:30pm.
(one of my house plants produced 4 of these crazy-looking flowers, I have no idea what kind of plant it is, but I think it means spring is coming!)
And now for you, here are some links...
- Doily cookies - what a terrific idea!
- The most incredible faux fur you've ever seen, made from felt & twigs.
- What? Blue trees? Aren't they gorgeous?!
- Just say NO to word verification!! It just wastes everyone's valuable time. I've joined the Word Verification Prohibition Team... just for fun! Read more about that here and here.
- An interesting article on beauty written by a plastic surgeon
- I so want these brown rice crispie treats
- And finally another song from the new upcoming Fleet Foxes album, for your listening pleasure...

Fleet Foxes - Battery Kinzie by One Thirty BPM
And a very weird but also brilliant music video from Tune-Yards (I really like it, and I'm not even quite sure why)
Have a wonderful weekend!
And a very weird but also brilliant music video from Tune-Yards (I really like it, and I'm not even quite sure why)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Friday. Definitely going to check out some of those links. Doily cookies, wow they must be kinda tough to make. They are quite pretty. Steadily the flowers are blooming. Great sight to see Happy Weekend.
happy firday!!! have a great weekend and relax!!!
This week certainly did go by fast, but hey I'm not complaining it's the weekend ;)
have a great one!
That video is so trippy but I like it too!!! And yeah for prohibition!
Enjoy your visit to the country, and have a lovely weekend :)
... and i'm headed to the country for signs of autumn! great music choices. love that tuneyards vid!
Have a great weekend in the country!
p.s I think that's an Iris...?
Thanks for the reminder about Earth Hour! I had a candlelight party once, in honour of the hour. It's a nice way to make a special social something and be good to the environment! Maybe I'll have my own while I'm working away this evening...
Enjoy your weekend.
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